Independent Living Skills

ACCESSIBILITY ADVICE –  STIC provides consultation to individuals and businesses to help make homes and establishments barrier free. We can recommend the least expensive route to accessibility for ramps, bathrooms, etc. We also make referrals for eligible people with disabilities to funding options for home and vehicle modifications. This service is free to consumers and families. There is a charge to businesses and organizations.

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) SERVICES –  STIC provides non-legal advice, consultation and training on the ADA and all of its provisions, as well as other disability-related laws and regulations. This service is free to consumers/families; fees for organizations and businesses.

INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS DEVELOPMENTThere are as many different ways of doing household chores, budgeting, meal preparation, shopping, learning public transportation, etc., as there are people with disabilities. We help people with all types of disabilities to find strategies and techniques for accomplishing everyday tasks in the way that best meets their unique situations.

INFORMATION & REFERRAL –  We have lots of information on disability-related issues including: Early Childhood issues; Autism and other disability specific information; recreation; laws and regulations; assistive technology; employment/Supported Employment; special education; personal care; community-based services; and much more. If we don’t have it, we’ll try to find it.

NY CONNECTS – NY Connects: Provides free, unbiased information to individuals, families, caregivers, and professionals by telephone, online, or in-person.  NY Connects helps people gain access to the right long-term services and supports (LTSS) and link them with other resources and information.

PEER COUNSELING –  This service allows people with disabilities to meet and talk with STIC staff who also have disabilities. Peer Advocates assist consumers to navigate the barriers they may face adjusting to a disability, or to finding solutions to everyday issues that they encounter.