information & referral

As an Independent Living Center (ILC) one of STIC’s core functions is to provide information and referral to disability related resources.  We are familiar with services and supports available to people with disabilities and their friends and family members, as well as businesses and organizations.  We also have information on various disability related topics.  If we don’t have an answer to a question, we will try to find.

For information, assistance and referral for Long Term Supports and Services see our NY Connects page.

We have compiled and organized the disability resources below both alphabetically and according to topic.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or just want to talk to someone for more information contact STIC at the numbers below:


Voice/TTY:          (607) 724-2111

Toll Free:            (877) 772-9150

Video Phone:     (607) 238-2694