Consumer Directed Personal Assistance


Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA) allows eligible individuals, who have been approved to receive personal assistance services, to recruit, hire, supervise, train and dismiss their own personal assistant(s). STIC acts as the Fiscal Intermediary for CDPA services, coordinating the pay and benefits of personal assistants and billing for reimbursement from the authorizing entity for the hours that they work, we also via a participation agreement with the consumer(s) complete any state mandated trainings with the personal assistant’s they have hired, such as corporate compliance.   In every other respect, it is the person receiving CDPA services who is the employer and supervisor of his/her own personal assistants.

Benefits of CDPA

Participants in the CDPA program get to:

  • Choose their own personal assistant

  • Hire as many personal assistants as needed (within the number of approved hours)

  • Decide the tasks that are performed by personal assistants (based upon their care plan)

  • Set the schedule that personal assistants will work based on their individual needs

  • Instruct and oversee their own personal assistants in all required tasks

STIC’s Responsibilities in CDPA

  • Issue paychecks for personal assistants’ authorized work hours

  • Administer employment benefits for personal assistant(s)

  • Provide training to consumers, if requested, in areas such as how to recruit assistants, interview applicants, effectively train or supervise assistants, and more

  • Maintain copies of records including authorizations, personal assistant medical records, and employment documents

  • Conduct annual trainings for personal assistants such as corporate compliance

CDPA Consumer Responsibilities

  • Manage and supervise the services of the personal assistant(s)

  • Inform STIC of any changes such as loss of Medicaid or change in Medicaid provider, or loss of OFA coverage, address and/or phone change, hospitalizations, etc.

  • Inform STIC of any change in the status of personal assistant(s) such as address, phone number, employment status

  • Complete required paperwork, complete annual home visit with STIC CDPA staff,  ensure accurate timekeeping for assistants including keeping a log of their in and out punches to the electronic visit verification time sheet system.

  • Develop a backup system in case of absence of regular assistants


In order to receive CDPA services a person must be assessed and approved for services by either the NY Independent Assessor Program (NYIAP) if they have Medicaid or the local office for aging if they do not and are over the age of 60 (OFA Consumer directed age 60 or older)

The person must be self-directing – able to direct and supervise their own personal assistants, accept responsibility for his or her actions, and successfully retain personal assistants and back-up support. Or identify a Designated Representative who is willing to assume the responsibilities of the program on his/her behalf. 

Service Area

Medicaid: Managed Care Organizations

Fidelis, iCircle, United Health Care, Nascentia –

  • Broome, Tioga, Chenango, Cortland


  • Broome

Office for Aging – Broome

Tioga Opportunities Dept. of Aging – Tioga

Chenango County Area Agency on Aging – Chenango


Contact Information

For more information, or to find out if you or a loved one may be eligible for this service, please contact STIC’s CDPA department at:

Phone: (607) 724-2111 ext. 310

Fax: (607) 772-3601


CDPAANYS Consumer Resource center –