Current Issues are linked to both legislative agendas as well as the policies and practices of governmental agencies and community based services that have a mission to serve people with disabilities. STIC educates people and supports systems advocacy efforts in a wide range of areas.

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Repeal of Home Care Eligibility Changes

“A harmful policy was passed in the State Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget (recommended by the Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) II to achieve Medicaid savings). This policy would make it more difficult for certain people to receive community based long term services and supports (LTSS), because the state raised the eligibility threshold for qualifying for LTSS. When implemented in 2024 people must require assistance with physical maneuvering with at least three activities of daily living (ADLs) to qualify. If they have a dementia or Alzheimer’s diagnosis they are assessed as requiring supervision with at least two ADLs. Restricting access to home care in this manner violates the Supreme Court’s Olmstead Decision, which found that people have the right to receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs. Restricting access to home care in this manner will lead to worse health outcomes, hospitalizations, and institutionalization for many.” NYAIL developed a memo on this policy and it explains the harm it will cause.

Advocates need to reach out to their legislators about this policy, which we expect will take effect in 2024.  A6346/S328

Close the Judge Rotenberg Center

“The Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) is an institution in Massachusetts. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), mental health disabilities, and learning disabilities live there. Both kids and adults live at the JRC. Many autistic people live there.

Some people at the JRC are forced to wear an electric shock device. This device is used to punish the person wearing it. The device punishes people by giving them electric shocks. These electric shocks are very painful. The JRC shocks people for small things like refusing to take off their jackets or stimming.

People with disabilities and our allies have been fighting to stop the JRC. We want to stop people at the JRC from getting shocked. We’ve been working together to try to stop the JRC for more than 10 years. We call our campaign #StopTheShock.”

Some people from NYS have been placed at the JRC.  A bill in the NYS Legislature would prohibit the use of aversive conditioning which includes any procedure which causes obvious signs of physical pain, including but not limited to hitting, pinching and electric shock; prohibits the use of any procedure or punishment which denies a vulnerable person reasonable sleep, shelter, bedding, bathroom facilities and any other aspect expected of a humane existence; defines terms.  We encourage advocates to review the bill and write legislators in Assembly and Senate.

Memo in support of Andre’s Law in NYS,