Health Care
Rural Health Network Serving South Central NY works to advance the health and well-being of rural people and communities through advocacy, education, food access, healthcare, transportation access, service planning through collaboration. Link is here https://rhnscny.org/
Mental Health Association of the Southern Tier provides programs and services to support individuals with mental health challenges, including peer support, wellness, and mobile crisis services. https://mhast.org/
Truth Pharm raises awareness, works on reducing stigma, and advocates for policy change to reduce the harm caused by substance use. https://truthpharm.org/
NYAIL Health Committee
Chair, Bruce Darling, Center for Disability Rights, link to this NYAIL page
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) – Health Care Stories (How We Want to be Treated)
The Alliance for Rights and Recovery is a statewide coalition of people dedicated to improving services, public policies, and social conditions for people living with mental health, substance use and trauma-related challenges. https://rightsandrecovery.org/