STIC participates in NY Connects in partnership with Broome County Office for Aging, Chenango County Area Agency on Aging, and Tioga Opportunities.  NY Connects is your trusted place to go for free, unbiased information and assistance about long term services and supports in New York State.  NY Connects can help link you to services such as home care, transportation, and meals with the goal of helping individuals remain in their homes as long as possible, or the setting of their choice.  This program is for people of all ages, disabilities, and income levels.  Information can be provided to individuals, care givers, family, and professionals by phone, in-person, or electronically.     

How can we help you?

            Anyone can get help with information about resources by telephone, online, or in-person.

We can help link you to long term services and supports regardless of diagnosis, age or payor source.

We coordinate with other agencies to guide you through eligibility processes.

We provide seamless linkages for any necessary assessment you may need.

We help with application and enrollment in public assistance benefits.  

                                                                                (About NY Connects, New York State NY Connects)                                                                                                           


Serves individuals, families, caregivers, and professionals of all ages, disabilities, and income levels.

Service Area:

STIC Serves Broome, Chenango, and Tioga Counties in New York.

Other Relevant Information:




Contact Information:

Broome County Phone numbers: (607) 251-2711 or 607-724-2111

Tioga and Chenango Counties: Amy Friot 

Tioga and Chenango E-mail:  amyf@stic-cil.org                                                                                                                 

Tioga and Chenango Phone Number: (607) 222-1931

NY Connects Dept. Email: nyconnects@stic-cil.org