STIC Advocacy Committees

STIC sponsors multiple systems advocacy committees that meet monthly at the Center. If you are interested in any of the following systems advocacy issues, please contact Susan Ruff for additional information about the current work of these committees, as well as ways in which you can participate.

Accessibility Committee works on monitoring and improving access to buildings, programs, parking, etc., in the Center’s service area, as defined by provisions of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), the Rehabilitation Act (504), the NYS Human Rights Law, and state and local building codes.

Community Services Advocacy Group works on community based services related to the needs of people with dual diagnoses (Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities and Mental Health Disabilities).

Education Advocacy Team works on issues related to inclusive education, individual and school wide positive behavior supports, and systems issues affecting educational opportunities for young people with disabilities (ages birth-21).

Emergency Preparedness Committee works on education about individual disaster preparedness, participation on local emergency preparedness committees, and advocacy for shelters and disaster responses that incorporate disability access and attention to functional needs of community members.

Employment Committee works on issues related to increasing the availability of integrated employment options and services, achieving a reallocation of employment related funding to integrated employment programs, collaborating with other individuals and groups in the state to advocate for implementation of an Employment First Policy, passage of S533/HR1263 (Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act) and other state and national disability employment legislation and initiatives.

Health Care Committee works on issues related to availability and accessibility of medical, mental health, and related health services for children and adults in the Center’s service area; prevention of changes to the Medicaid program that would restrict or limit eligibility, services or choice; and changes or implementation of consumer-directed models in community-based long term care, new waivers, and/or other programs and/or services.

Sexual Education Advocacy works on sexual health and education for people with disabilities.

STIC has a long history of collaboration with community groups in all areas of systems advocacy, including housing, transportation, long term services and supports, consumer directed personal assistance, etc.. Visit our resource section here to view these groups.