New York Association on Independent Living (NYAIL) Disability Priority Agenda

It is imperative that New York follows through on its promises to our disability community and enact laws to protect the civil rights and programs that allow people with disabilities to live independent, integrated lives in their communities. NYAIL works with our ILC members and the community to be at the forefront of disability advocacy in New York. Every year we release a Budget and a Legislative Disability Priority Agenda which help guide our advocacy efforts. We also write memos in support or opposition to specific legislation. 

NYAIL’s 2024 legislative priorities:

Legislative Disability Priority Agenda (PDF)

NYAIL Statement on SFY 2025 State Budget (PDF)

Budget Disability Priority Agenda (PDF)

NYAIL statement on CDPAP 2.26.24 (PDF)

ILC Funding Flier (PDF)

Access to Home Funding Flier (PDF)

Ending sub-minimum wages memo:

What is Sovereign Immunity and why is is important?

Public Policy Committees for NYAIL:

“The driving force behind NYAIL’s advocacy efforts are its public policy subcommittees, working throughout the year on issues that impact people with disabilities in the areas of health, election reform, employment, housing, inclusive education and transportation. NYAIL’s public policy subcommittees, and the disability stakeholders who make up their membership, identify issues ripe for impact and develop related disability policy proposals. The subcommittees are chaired by, and include as members, ILC executive directors, ILC staff, people with disabilities, advocates from a variety of organizations, and many other stakeholders.”  Want to join?

New York State Independent Living Council (NYSILC)
“The New York State Independent Living Council (NYSILC) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental, consumer controlled organization. The council is composed of 25 appointees from around the state, a majority of whom have disabilities and represent diverse cultures and needs in the state. NYSILC is responsible for jointly developing, monitoring, and evaluating the three-year Statewide Plan for Independent Living (SPIL).”

NYSILC has several committees in which people from around the state can participate:

The public policy agenda for NYSILC can be accessed at the following link:

ADAPT is a national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. Sometimes after numerous calls, letters, emails, meetings, and rallies, ADAPT may engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom. There is a place in ADAPT for anyone who cares about disability rights. Everyone is encouraged to participate at the level they are comfortable and no one is ever pressured to get more involved than they wish. ADAPT works on issues related to healthcare, community supports, affordable and accessible housing, assisting people to leave nursing facilities, etc. Southern Tier ADAPT works with ADAPT chapters in more than thirty states and sends advocates to national action events.