(Below are brief descriptions of the services provided at STIC. Please click on HIGHLIGHTED underlined service title for more detailed information.

ACCESSIBILITY ADVICE –  STIC provides consultation to individuals and businesses to help make homes and establishments barrier free. We can recommend the least expensive route to accessibility for ramps, bathrooms, etc. We also make referrals for eligible people with disabilities to funding options for home and vehicle modifications. This service is free to consumers and families. There is a charge to businesses and organizations.

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) SERVICES –  STIC provides non-legal advice, consultation and training on the ADA and all of its provisions, as well as other disability-related laws and regulations. This service is free to consumers/families; fees for organizations and businesses.

ADVOCACY –  At the core of our advocacy is “empowerment” of people with disabilities to take action, get involved and make a difference in their world.

ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY/TRAID (LOAN CLOSET) –  Our TRAID (Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities) Center shows how technology–from simple homemade gadgets to computer systems–can make people more independent. We have items on display for people to try, we offer demonstrations of equipment, and can tell people how to get what they need. STIC also offers short-term loan of equipment and assistive technology including: wheelchairs, TTYs, walkers, tub seats, commodes, portable ramps, and much more. Some items may be given away if we have an excess.

BEHAVIORAL SUPPORT SERVICES –  Our Program Design Specialist assists children and adults with disabilities and their families to find ways to address behavioral challenges, as well as to increase independence, social skills development, community inclusion activities, and family training. Services are designed to meet individual needs, as well as those of household members, school personnel, and others as appropriate, with the goal of improving behaviors and the quality of life for consumers and their families.

CHILDREN AND FAMILY MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING PROGRAM –  Our mental health counseling program aims to provide individualized and unique counseling services to youth who are diagnosed with a developmental disability and are also experiencing mental health issues. In addition, the program offers counseling and support to family members. We can also consult with schools and other professionals who are involved in the care of the youth to ensure that treatment remains consistent across all settings.

COMMUNITY HABILITATIONOur Community Habilitation program provides individualized one-on-one support to children and adults with developmental disabilities. We assist people to learn or retain self-help and independent living skills, socialization and communication skills, as well as other skills to enable them to be as independent as possible. This service is provided in both an individual’s home and out in the community. While similar to Day Habilitation, it allows for a few additional services such as permitting the Community Hab worker to attend doctors appointments with the consumer. Community Hab also has a self-directed option where an individual can have greater control over services.

CONSUMER DIRECTED PERSONAL ASSISTANCE: PERSONAL CARE AT HOMEAn alternative to “traditional home care/personal care”, CDPA allows eligible individuals to hire and direct their own personal assistants (including most family members, a neighbor or friend), to assist with housekeeping, bathing, dressing, eating, and other daily tasks. Eligibility is determined by Medicaid via the NY Independent Assessor Program (NYIAP) or your local Office for Aging. CDPA believes there’s no place like home.

EDUCATION ADVOCACY –  STIC’s Education Advocate provides information about education-related laws and regulations, the Committees on Special Education, Individual Education Plans, and much more. We assist parents to understand their children’s rights and can advocate with them at CSE and other meetings.

EMPLOYMENT SERVICES/SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENTOur Supported Employment department assists eligible individuals with developing job seeking skills, resume writing, finding employment, job coaching and related services. We focus exclusively on finding people integrated jobs in the community.

FACILITATED ENROLLMENT FOR THE AGED, BLIND, AND DISABLED PROGRAM (FE-ABD)  FE-ABD is a New York State-sponsored public health insurance application assistance program for people who are aged, blind or disabled. We educate and assist New Yorkers with enrolling in Medicaid and the Medicare Savings Program (MSP)

FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CENTERS (FACE) STIC houses both the Southeast and the Southwest FACE Centers in collaboration with NYSED. We provide training and assistance to parents, school districts, and agencies. Our goal is to promote meaningful family involvement in the educational system and strengthen community relationships.

HOUSING ASSISTANCEWe help people with information on finding suitable, affordable accessible housing, including information on subsidized housing, section 8, housing vouchers, etc.

INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS DEVELOPMENTThere are as many different ways of doing household chores, budgeting, meal preparation, shopping, learning public transportation, etc., as there are people with disabilities. We help people with all types of disabilities to find strategies and techniques for accomplishing everyday tasks in the way that best meets their unique situations.

INFORMATION & REFERRAL –  We have lots of information on disability-related issues including: Early Childhood issues; Autism and other disability specific information; recreation; laws and regulations; assistive technology; employment/Supported Employment; special education; personal care; community-based services; and much more. If we don’t have it, we’ll try to find it.

INTERPRETER SERVICESWe can arrange for sign language interpreters for Deaf individuals, businesses, agencies, medical facilities, government entities, etc. There is a fee for this service. Please call for rates and other requirements.

OPEN DOORS/MFPThe purpose of this program is to identify people in nursing homes who wish to transition back into the community, explain programs and services available to them, and make the appropriate referrals to begin the process. This program is funded through the NYS Department of Health Money Follows the Person Project. It is a statewide program administered by NYAIL (New York Association on Independent Living).

NAVIGATOR PROGRAM –  As part of the Affordable Care Act, which was signed into law in 2010, navigator services are offered in the State of New York to assist individuals, families, and small businesses in applying for health insurance.

NY CONNECTSNY Connects: Provides free, unbiased information to individuals, families, caregivers, and professionals by telephone, online, or in-person.  NY Connects helps people gain access to the right long-term services and supports (LTSS) and link them with other resources and information.

NURSING HOME TRANSITION AND DIVERSION WAIVER (NHTD) REGIONAL RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER (RRDC)STIC operates the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver Regional Resource Development Center (RRDCs) in 12 counties of South-Central New York. We assist Medicaid-eligible people with disabilities (including seniors) to leave nursing homes and move into the community or to obtain services to avoid nursing home placement. We can help people through the eligibility process, to select a service coordination agency, and to access other benefit programs and services in the community.

OPWDD SELF-DIRECTION SERVICES Self–Direction services empower people with developmental disabilities and their families to design and manage services based on their individual needs and goals.

PEER COUNSELING –  This service allows people with disabilities to meet and talk with STIC staff who also have disabilities. Peer Advocates assist consumers to navigate the barriers they may face adjusting to a disability, or to finding solutions to everyday issues that they encounter.

PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING –  STIC’s professional counseling services are centered around the individual and/or family members. Our Certified Social Workers assist with finding the best ways to cope with stress, family, emotional, disability and other personal concerns.

TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (TBI) WAIVER REGIONAL RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER (RRDC)STIC operates the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver Regional Resource Development Center (RRDCs) in 12 counties of South-Central New York. We assist Medicaid-eligible people with TBI to leave nursing homes and move into the community or to obtain services to avoid nursing home placement. We can help people through the eligibility process, to select a service coordination agency, and to access other benefit programs and services in the community.